Friday 16 September 2011

Hoping no one loses a friend,, the way we did.. Miss you buddy..

It has been more than seven months since he left us forever. I was not his closest friend but I knew him pretty well. The attitude and tashan he had made him everyone’s favourite. But now as he is not with us, things have changed.. Earlier, while coming from classes, we used to see him sitting near the indoor stadium, calling us by all the weird names he gave us. He was the coolest of his type. A good guitarist, basketball player and a sweet guy. I knew him since our school time and he was the guy who had the ability to change the mood of all the people around him.
But a time came when he joined the university for his B.Tech. degree and this changed his life totally. A fun loving guy was transformed to a celebrity. All he wanted was to be famous, very famous. He used to say “mera beta duniya ka sabse famous ladka hoga”. All the glamour of this world attracted him and he chose the path which ultimately resulted in his destruction and a big loss to us..
Whenever people talk about him, I feel so proud and tears roll down my eyes sometimes when I think of him. Though, he is gone but his death taught me a lot of lessons..
The most important was,, the people with whom you live are not the one with whom you’re gonna leave this world.. Do stick to your principles,, whatever you have set for you.. Don’t get influenced by whatever anyone says..
In short “suno sabki par karo apne dil ki..”

Dude,, had you been here ,, you would have seen how much everyone loves you..You were the most handsome guy ever..
My sincere request to everyone.. Please DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE..!! 

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