Tuesday 27 September 2011

Girls and INSECTS..!!

I wanna quote some of the incidents on how insects and lizards influence girls life..

I was very bright and not so naughty student once(according to teachers)... But one day i was given a lizard by my classmate(he was a boy),,toy type,, which we got free with rasna.. I put them on hands of one of my friends,, and she screamed..My benchmate,, inspite of knowing that the lizard was just a toy,, was shouting and crying... My teacher heard all this and i was scolded for the first time by a teacher and he also told hat it was not expected from me.. Anyway,,i somehow managed to get my reputation back..

It was schooltime,,i passed it and came to college..!! It was my first day in hostel,, after arranging my room,i was dead tired and went to bed early.. I was sleeping when i heard someone knocking on my door,,they were shouting for me to open the door..They were scared..I woke up and opened the door,,and i saw my neighbours.. They introduced themselves and begged me to come to their room and help them..I went to their room and saw an insect - just a small one, which was flying here and there...but they were so scared that they did not dare enter the room.. I tried to throw that insect outside the room.. After a lot of effort by all of us ,, it went away and i was thanked by them.. :)

My roomy has a great relationship with lizard.. It scares the hell out of her.. One night while she was sleeping i told her theres a lizard on the adjacent wall,, she immediately woke up and shifted her bed to the middle..(3-4 calls from her boyfriend couldn't do that thing which a lizard did..)

It was post exam time when i was so free and velli,, i told my room mate to clean the room and she told that her area was very clean,, so the one who had to clean the room was me..But one day when i returned to my room i saw everything that her cupboard ever contained was on her bed..All hail to the lizard which sneaked into her shelf and she cleaned the whole cupboard...

And it was the thought of lizard that made me forget everything.. One day i was in the room of a girl with whom i met for the first time..I had something urgent to discuss with her but ignoring eveything that she said,, i was concentrating on the eggshells kept over the tubelights in her room.. I asked her why it was there,,and she told me it was for the lizards.. I didn't get whatever she told me after that and again i asked if a lizard's egg is that big..and then she explained it to me that eggshell keeps lizards away..!!

And i was so very happy that day,,just by the thought that my roomy would be so happy knowing this..

Lizards and insects will always be girls biggest enemy,, i dont know why and the person saving them would be their superhero (ME)..!! :P


  1. Yar tu bahut acha likhti hai, keep writing yaar.
    I read all the 4 articles, it was nice.
