Friday 5 August 2011

My most priced possession

This note is about the 4 people who mean everything to me. For me, its so weired to write this but after watching a movie recently I learnt something i.e. never stop yourself from doing anything else you will have to regret afterwards.
When I was small child, i was fond of elder brothers. I actually felt jealous of the friends who had an elder bro but then I met you guys. Ashu bhaiya,, I never stayed with you but whatever time I spent with you were the most beautiful moment of my life. No one would have taught me to ride bike. All the adventures and masti we did,, either it was those mountains or temples of chattisgarh or anything,,it thrills me everytime I think of those moments. I was so very fakait and aalsi which I still am but you taugt me the meaning of love and respect…
Now,, it comes to Prabhat bhaiya,, I met you when it was like the happy part of my life. 2nd topper of school and a good student of tution and all. I still remember how you used to teach us even during the afternoon times with no cooler of fan in that room. You really inspired me and I must tell you whatever I learnt from you during the summer vacation was the only thing which I know in physics till now. I never studied anything while I was in shyamali, though whenever you called and told me to study, was the only time I felt like studying.
The 3rd person is the man whom I met accidently when it was the worse period of my time. Admission in this college and a frustrated first year student but you know what I want to tell you is I really liked you from the very first day I met you. Having achieved so much and again  being so good is like an unexpected case. The most important thing I liked about you was you never got irritated from my questions. I talked to you so many times and asked you so many questions which I never had asked from anyone. Now the condition is that  I am unable to do anything without your suggestion.
Finally comes the one whom I have known since the day he came on this earth. He used to be my biggest enemy and competitor till I came hostel. He was with me during my happy and sad times. I saw him growing, falling and developing. And seriously I never told you but I was never happy to see your defeat. The only thing I could suggest you to be good bcuz at the end that’s the only thing which matters.

They loved me for what I was,, no matter how I looked, no matter how many times I fall they were always there for me. I really need no one when  i have brothers like them.. I am not too talented but I can assure that I can do anything for them.. 

P.s.: Shaivesh bhaiya and prabhat bhaiya, I adore you guys so much,, not because of what you achieved but because of what you are and for your attitude. 

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