Saturday 9 June 2012

A drug of its own kind-Love!

Me-Love??!! Are you crazy?? Am i going to write on this topic??
My friend- Loser! I knew you cannot. That’s why i gave you this one. :P
This is how i got this (not so)amazing topic during a conversation with my friend when i told him that i started blogging and asked a topic to write upon. He knew i wont be able to write upon it, but i took it as a challenge and i am here before you with my views..
I analyzed the types of love:
1) A guy saw a girl, forgot everything , got mesmerised by her charm and fell in love with her. This is love at first sight which can happen anytime,anywhere. The ingredients are a cute/handsome/beautiful guy/girl.In this kind, efforts are put by one to impress the opposite sex,if he/she gets impressed then the story proceeds and we get to read some awesome stories later. There are many examples from history that can be included under this type.
2)This second kind of love happens when you get impressed by that x-factor. Sometimes,it may be writing skills or a guy who plays basketball or a guitarist or anything else. In some cases it may be a girl for whom a guy has always planned to live with like the family girl or an ideal girl. In this kind, it takes time to find the deserving candidate, once you got him/her, entire scene is set.
3)This kind is the most unpredictable one. It happens when you never decided to fall in love for the first place or it may happen even if you are already committed to someone else. It may take time for you to realize that you are in love. It doesnt need someone with a beautiful face, a nice figure or with some different qualities it just need someone who loves you the way you are.
Love may be of any kind but all you need  is to be faithful, respect each others feelings and dreams and dont ever try to change the person. Make sure you love your partner and you are loved back. Respect the differences. As it has rightly been said -”In this weird life all you need to fall in love is a weird person who is compatible with all your weirdness”.
Although love is such a vast topic and is not just related to the guy-girl kind love i wrote about but then you know,it was a challenge so i had to. Anyways, i will keep telling you about other kinds as we have to travel a long journey together till then keep Spreading love! <3

1 comment:

  1. very nice expressions about the love, really its part of life, when it happens nobody knows. good
