Thursday 22 November 2012

From Friends to Strangers!

Last time he read my blog, he said "you write too much about people." And my reply was "next time I will write on you." Since then he kept me reminding about my promise and I didn't pay heed to it.

Though I don't write good and it is just an attempt on it but still I focus mostly on people around me. Its nice to find good things in people around you!
Anyway, while answering him i didn't know that next time would come so soon.
This is about a person who used to be my good friend. After joining college I was not very much particular about friends but then i met a guy who made me realize that friends are precious. So our first meeting was very stupid. I started chatting with him and I directly asked if he could teach me C programming. I know weird, but then I was bad at it. So, he helped me. Meanwhile we became good friends.

The person who was there in my good and bad times, who got irritated with me so many times.Still, stood there for me. He,who suggested the kind of guy I should marry. The one who handled the most abnormal species. One of  the quotes that totally suits him: "A friend in need is a friend indeed, but if he is a 9 pointer,he must be studying." But still he used to find time for me to explain silly programs and for boosting my confidence whenever I was low.

I fought a lot with him, I remember how he got irritated when I used to call him by his full name but last time I didnt know that our fight would actually be the last one. Those stupid promises of being friends forever broke up. Anyway, I dont regret it. It was one of the happy times.

A piece of advice "don't ever let misunderstanding make its place in a relation, be it friendship or anything".
I owe a lot to you yaar! And see, I wrote a post on you! I know I am not good at saying what I feel but you were one of the friends whom I won't ever forget. Cheers to the time we were friends!

And when I was child I read that angels come, stay with you sometimes and then go back. Because they are not meant to be with you always!
May you always get the best! The macbooks, gals and everything else you ever wanted!
Stay happy! :)

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