Thursday 22 November 2012

From Friends to Strangers!

Last time he read my blog, he said "you write too much about people." And my reply was "next time I will write on you." Since then he kept me reminding about my promise and I didn't pay heed to it.

Though I don't write good and it is just an attempt on it but still I focus mostly on people around me. Its nice to find good things in people around you!
Anyway, while answering him i didn't know that next time would come so soon.
This is about a person who used to be my good friend. After joining college I was not very much particular about friends but then i met a guy who made me realize that friends are precious. So our first meeting was very stupid. I started chatting with him and I directly asked if he could teach me C programming. I know weird, but then I was bad at it. So, he helped me. Meanwhile we became good friends.

The person who was there in my good and bad times, who got irritated with me so many times.Still, stood there for me. He,who suggested the kind of guy I should marry. The one who handled the most abnormal species. One of  the quotes that totally suits him: "A friend in need is a friend indeed, but if he is a 9 pointer,he must be studying." But still he used to find time for me to explain silly programs and for boosting my confidence whenever I was low.

I fought a lot with him, I remember how he got irritated when I used to call him by his full name but last time I didnt know that our fight would actually be the last one. Those stupid promises of being friends forever broke up. Anyway, I dont regret it. It was one of the happy times.

A piece of advice "don't ever let misunderstanding make its place in a relation, be it friendship or anything".
I owe a lot to you yaar! And see, I wrote a post on you! I know I am not good at saying what I feel but you were one of the friends whom I won't ever forget. Cheers to the time we were friends!

And when I was child I read that angels come, stay with you sometimes and then go back. Because they are not meant to be with you always!
May you always get the best! The macbooks, gals and everything else you ever wanted!
Stay happy! :)

Wednesday 13 June 2012

That girl with golden heart!

She was trembling,her hands and legs were shaking,she felt weak in her knees. "What just happened to me?"she thought. Sometimes ago she was fine, laughing and enjoying with her friends,making fun of Ashta's ex-boyfriend till Astha told her something about Tarun. Infact, she still was smiling with the biggest smile she had,avoiding eye contacts with others, when suddenly Ruchika called "Tanu, are you okay??". yes, thats when she couldnt control herself. Tears rolled down her eyes. And the next moment she was crying. Crying and sobbing like she had never before. She wanted her tears to carry all her pains. And her mind was deeply occupied by all the thoughts-"Was it supposed to end like this? where did all those talks,all those promises,times and all went? was it nothing? Dont i mean anything to him?"

Yes, Tanvi is the most flamboyant girl, is very jolly, doesnt get too attached to everyone but when she does she means it. She can do anything and everything for them. And moreover Tarun was just a friend cum brother whom she loved so much. "Why did i do that? why i valued him so much? Didnt i know,i dont stand anywhere in his life?"she was again thinking about what all happened.It was then she decided that she wont hurt herself again. Maybe when Astha said that she get attracted to jerks, she was right.Yes, she gets attached to them, it was because of whatever she saw from childhood, may be that made her insecure and generated the feeling in her that she could create a difference but she always ended up ruining herself. It was tough for her to ignore Tarun. Only she could feel how hard it was to ignore that person who meant so much to her but she had to be strong for herself.

It had been one month.One day she got a ping, it was him saying sorry for all the misunderstandings and within a second she forgave him. Next day he told that he would come to meet her and Vineet and she got so happy. He came and they met. Everything was so normal, as if nothing happened. So here,she was spending her whole day with the two friends who were her life in college and listening to them. yea, she was happy, she listened to them.She was enjoying every moment but sometimes deep inside was cursing herself for being so weak, for believing in them once again.She knows that it would happen again.

But she did realise something, She realised that when people say that they would remain the same and would always love you, it may not always be right. People do change and things dont always remain the same ever but all those lies were those silly moments when you were happy. You felt like you were at the top of the world,you felt so good. Afterall, Pain is an inevitable part of life! She loves some people to the core and she will keep doing that no matter what! :)

P.S.: This is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to reality will be a mere coincidence!

Saturday 9 June 2012

A drug of its own kind-Love!

Me-Love??!! Are you crazy?? Am i going to write on this topic??
My friend- Loser! I knew you cannot. That’s why i gave you this one. :P
This is how i got this (not so)amazing topic during a conversation with my friend when i told him that i started blogging and asked a topic to write upon. He knew i wont be able to write upon it, but i took it as a challenge and i am here before you with my views..
I analyzed the types of love:
1) A guy saw a girl, forgot everything , got mesmerised by her charm and fell in love with her. This is love at first sight which can happen anytime,anywhere. The ingredients are a cute/handsome/beautiful guy/girl.In this kind, efforts are put by one to impress the opposite sex,if he/she gets impressed then the story proceeds and we get to read some awesome stories later. There are many examples from history that can be included under this type.
2)This second kind of love happens when you get impressed by that x-factor. Sometimes,it may be writing skills or a guy who plays basketball or a guitarist or anything else. In some cases it may be a girl for whom a guy has always planned to live with like the family girl or an ideal girl. In this kind, it takes time to find the deserving candidate, once you got him/her, entire scene is set.
3)This kind is the most unpredictable one. It happens when you never decided to fall in love for the first place or it may happen even if you are already committed to someone else. It may take time for you to realize that you are in love. It doesnt need someone with a beautiful face, a nice figure or with some different qualities it just need someone who loves you the way you are.
Love may be of any kind but all you need  is to be faithful, respect each others feelings and dreams and dont ever try to change the person. Make sure you love your partner and you are loved back. Respect the differences. As it has rightly been said -”In this weird life all you need to fall in love is a weird person who is compatible with all your weirdness”.
Although love is such a vast topic and is not just related to the guy-girl kind love i wrote about but then you know,it was a challenge so i had to. Anyways, i will keep telling you about other kinds as we have to travel a long journey together till then keep Spreading love! <3

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Girls and INSECTS..!!

I wanna quote some of the incidents on how insects and lizards influence girls life..

I was very bright and not so naughty student once(according to teachers)... But one day i was given a lizard by my classmate(he was a boy),,toy type,, which we got free with rasna.. I put them on hands of one of my friends,, and she screamed..My benchmate,, inspite of knowing that the lizard was just a toy,, was shouting and crying... My teacher heard all this and i was scolded for the first time by a teacher and he also told hat it was not expected from me.. Anyway,,i somehow managed to get my reputation back..

It was schooltime,,i passed it and came to college..!! It was my first day in hostel,, after arranging my room,i was dead tired and went to bed early.. I was sleeping when i heard someone knocking on my door,,they were shouting for me to open the door..They were scared..I woke up and opened the door,,and i saw my neighbours.. They introduced themselves and begged me to come to their room and help them..I went to their room and saw an insect - just a small one, which was flying here and there...but they were so scared that they did not dare enter the room.. I tried to throw that insect outside the room.. After a lot of effort by all of us ,, it went away and i was thanked by them.. :)

My roomy has a great relationship with lizard.. It scares the hell out of her.. One night while she was sleeping i told her theres a lizard on the adjacent wall,, she immediately woke up and shifted her bed to the middle..(3-4 calls from her boyfriend couldn't do that thing which a lizard did..)

It was post exam time when i was so free and velli,, i told my room mate to clean the room and she told that her area was very clean,, so the one who had to clean the room was me..But one day when i returned to my room i saw everything that her cupboard ever contained was on her bed..All hail to the lizard which sneaked into her shelf and she cleaned the whole cupboard...

And it was the thought of lizard that made me forget everything.. One day i was in the room of a girl with whom i met for the first time..I had something urgent to discuss with her but ignoring eveything that she said,, i was concentrating on the eggshells kept over the tubelights in her room.. I asked her why it was there,,and she told me it was for the lizards.. I didn't get whatever she told me after that and again i asked if a lizard's egg is that big..and then she explained it to me that eggshell keeps lizards away..!!

And i was so very happy that day,,just by the thought that my roomy would be so happy knowing this..

Lizards and insects will always be girls biggest enemy,, i dont know why and the person saving them would be their superhero (ME)..!! :P

Friday 16 September 2011

....All i wanna do is trade this life for something new.....holding on to what i havent done............ :)

Being a girl child is like carrying too much responsibilities with you..Its like receiving an unwanted gift that you would like to have but that wont give you satisfaction..
Okay,, but then lemme clarify I am too happy being a girl child.. Although,, I have my desires ,, my dreams,, and I would definitely like to experience things which I haven’t experienced till date..
And the list is too long..
Pack my bags, catch the train and go somewhere, a place where no one is known to me...

  •  Go for bungee jumping (preferably in macau) ;)

  •          To fall in love with someone passionately(of course after making sure that he loves me the same way as I do)..

  •           Will own a house somewhere  (probably in kerela) and will live there till my death..

  •       Get drunk in my room and will tell someone to take a video so that I could see later what I did and said(because I have heard somewhere what people say and do when they are high is what people actually want to say and do..)

  •         Would love to have a best friend who care for me the way I do for others and I could adore him/her..

  •         Open a small hostel for girls so that I could teach them how to live with self respect..

  •        Would definitely like to spend my time with orphans(I know how it feels when you are alone and have nobody to talk to)..

  •       Will take my mom,dad and brother to a trip (a long one)...

  •     Will slap hard the person whom I hate the most...

The list is too too long.. I want to do lots and lots of things .. I know one day I will come out of this shell and will work on completing my dreams.. Till then there is nothing bad in watching dreams….

Life is too short to use someone or to be used by someone.. So love everyone but don’t expect to be loved by everyone in return.. :D

Hoping no one loses a friend,, the way we did.. Miss you buddy..

It has been more than seven months since he left us forever. I was not his closest friend but I knew him pretty well. The attitude and tashan he had made him everyone’s favourite. But now as he is not with us, things have changed.. Earlier, while coming from classes, we used to see him sitting near the indoor stadium, calling us by all the weird names he gave us. He was the coolest of his type. A good guitarist, basketball player and a sweet guy. I knew him since our school time and he was the guy who had the ability to change the mood of all the people around him.
But a time came when he joined the university for his B.Tech. degree and this changed his life totally. A fun loving guy was transformed to a celebrity. All he wanted was to be famous, very famous. He used to say “mera beta duniya ka sabse famous ladka hoga”. All the glamour of this world attracted him and he chose the path which ultimately resulted in his destruction and a big loss to us..
Whenever people talk about him, I feel so proud and tears roll down my eyes sometimes when I think of him. Though, he is gone but his death taught me a lot of lessons..
The most important was,, the people with whom you live are not the one with whom you’re gonna leave this world.. Do stick to your principles,, whatever you have set for you.. Don’t get influenced by whatever anyone says..
In short “suno sabki par karo apne dil ki..”

Dude,, had you been here ,, you would have seen how much everyone loves you..You were the most handsome guy ever..
My sincere request to everyone.. Please DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE..!! 

Friday 5 August 2011

My most priced possession

This note is about the 4 people who mean everything to me. For me, its so weired to write this but after watching a movie recently I learnt something i.e. never stop yourself from doing anything else you will have to regret afterwards.
When I was small child, i was fond of elder brothers. I actually felt jealous of the friends who had an elder bro but then I met you guys. Ashu bhaiya,, I never stayed with you but whatever time I spent with you were the most beautiful moment of my life. No one would have taught me to ride bike. All the adventures and masti we did,, either it was those mountains or temples of chattisgarh or anything,,it thrills me everytime I think of those moments. I was so very fakait and aalsi which I still am but you taugt me the meaning of love and respect…
Now,, it comes to Prabhat bhaiya,, I met you when it was like the happy part of my life. 2nd topper of school and a good student of tution and all. I still remember how you used to teach us even during the afternoon times with no cooler of fan in that room. You really inspired me and I must tell you whatever I learnt from you during the summer vacation was the only thing which I know in physics till now. I never studied anything while I was in shyamali, though whenever you called and told me to study, was the only time I felt like studying.
The 3rd person is the man whom I met accidently when it was the worse period of my time. Admission in this college and a frustrated first year student but you know what I want to tell you is I really liked you from the very first day I met you. Having achieved so much and again  being so good is like an unexpected case. The most important thing I liked about you was you never got irritated from my questions. I talked to you so many times and asked you so many questions which I never had asked from anyone. Now the condition is that  I am unable to do anything without your suggestion.
Finally comes the one whom I have known since the day he came on this earth. He used to be my biggest enemy and competitor till I came hostel. He was with me during my happy and sad times. I saw him growing, falling and developing. And seriously I never told you but I was never happy to see your defeat. The only thing I could suggest you to be good bcuz at the end that’s the only thing which matters.

They loved me for what I was,, no matter how I looked, no matter how many times I fall they were always there for me. I really need no one when  i have brothers like them.. I am not too talented but I can assure that I can do anything for them.. 

P.s.: Shaivesh bhaiya and prabhat bhaiya, I adore you guys so much,, not because of what you achieved but because of what you are and for your attitude.